Detective Hei (Leung), a veteran detective and his partner Bong (Kaneshiro) busted a rapist in 2003. When Bong went back home after the bust, he found out that his pregnant girlfriend committed suicide. From that day on, Bong became a drunkard and turned in his badge to work as a private investigator, all the while trying to find out why his girlfriend committed suicide.
Three years later, Bong discovered that on the night his girlfriend committed suicide; she was actually waiting at a bar for her secret love, who ended up unconscious after a car accident on the same night. Bong originally thought that he would be angry at his girlfriend's lover, but he ended up taking care of the comatosed lover while he lies in the hospital. Bong eventually moved on and fell in love with a girl who sells beer at the same bar, Feng (Shu Qi).
Hei married Susan (Xu Jinlei), daughter of billionaire Chau. Chau was murdered, so Susan hired Bong to find his father's murderer. Unfortunately Bong discovered a big secret of Hei.
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