In the dark criminal world of Seoul, U-min (Song Seung-Heon), Cheol-jung (Kwon Sang-Woo), Do-wan (Kim In-kwon) and Yeong-hwan (Ji Sung) are close friends in a gang. One day, with the help of an older member Gang-seop (Ahn Nae-seong), U-min, Cheol-jung and Do-wan attack the gang’s casino so they can start new lives. But their plan goes awry when Cheol-jung betrays them, and U-min goes to prison. He becomes the scapegoat to save his friends’ lives. After serving his time, U-min wants to stay out of trouble but is drawn back into the underworld when he sees what has become of his friends: money and power-hungry Cheol-jung continues to betray others as he climbs up the gang ladder; Do-wan is a drug user; Gang-seop is missing; and his girlfriend Eun-yeong (Park Han-byul) has left him to run a bar as the boss’ mistress. As U-min tries to solve the situation, however, unfortunate twists of fate set off one misunderstanding after another. To make matters worse, the mob boss and right-hand man Yoeng-hwan get them involved in a huge drug deal. Once again thrown into a game with high stakes and big cash, the once best friends must fight one another for their lives. |
RATING: 9/10
"..."Fate" has been made with a careful consideration for the strengths of two main characters. But the portraits of Woo-min and Cheol-jung never go beyond admiration of their contrasting styles and panache for violence, and one comes away with such sour questions as "Why are Korean filmmakers so obsessed with a gangster genre for depicting friendship?"
Despite the longer-than-necessary running time of 123 minutes, Song Seung-heon seems at ease with himself, showcasing his "telling eyes" that express various emotions with subtlety and maturity.
But true show-stealing gigs come from Kwon Sang-woo who seems in perfect sync with his own character. All the low-life slang spitting out from Cheol-jung sound natural and even ironically insightful.
Kwon, from now on, should consider taking the role of a hot-tempered villain because, at least in "Fate," he seems more realistic and believable than ever."
Source: koreanmovie.com
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