The mysterious figure Ken (Ekin Cheng) confronts Sang (Lau Ching Wan) in a hostage situation and challenges him into a game of ransom. Sang is intrigued. Sang's further investigations reveals that the crimes are all targeted at a multi-national insurance company. The company's senior executive Teresa (Kelly Lin) receives a phone call from Ken ordering her to deliver a 10 million dollar ransom or more crimes will be committed. When everything seems to be getting out of control, they are still competing for wisdom and strength...
"..I really wanted to like this movie, being a fan of Johnny To and the original ROOT. After watching ROOT 2, I have mixed feelings about it. The performances are good but the movie drags and feels much longer than it actually is. There isn't a lot of action and I can't help but wonder how such a top notch cop like Lau Chin Wan's character can keep getting one-upped by Cheng. In the first movie, it was like a chess game. Andy Lau would make a move and Lau Chin Wan would counter. In ROOT 2, he just plays catch up.
Another minus is some scenes that are in English. It seems forced and unnecessary. The movie does have some pluses. The cinematography is great and the DVD is anamorphic. As with other Johnny To movies, there are some of those little moments that shine through. Ekin's character teaches a negotiator that gambling is bad by flipping a coin and letting him guess the outcome. It is drawn out but by the end of the movie you'll know why. There are a few other glimpses of what makes the characters what they are but not too many..."
RATING: 8/10
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