Genre: Comedy
Starring: Kumiko Aso, Morio Kazama, Ryo Kase, Keiko Masuzaka, Shoko Aida, Takashi Sasano, Miho Shiraishi, Shunsuke Matsuoka, Yoichi Nukumizu, Kankuro Kudo, Tetsu Watanabe
Release year: 2009
Language: Japanese
Subtitle: English
Haname is a lively and expressive young woman, blessed with a fertile imagination that occasionally conjures up some strange notions. She’s dissatisfied with her humdrum day-to-day life and dreams of changing it all (except of course for the mucky mixture she guzzles every morning, which she wouldn’t give up for the world). Moreover, despite the pronounced scepticism she holds towards the supernatural, a run of bad luck starts to convince Haname that she’s been cursed ever since she tossed into a swamp all the gifts her dad gave her on her eighth birthday, the day he left the family for good. Among the objects was a cat talisman, which must have been cursed. Since then, nothing’s gone right—the magazine she works for is on the verge of bankruptcy, recycling rockabillies have emptied her apartment, she’s misplaced her pet rabbit on a rabbit farm after it lost its hat, and her mother’s in the hospital after she nearly drowned while trying to fish for spirits with a pickle. But thanks to a letter her mom wrote just before the accident, Haname locates her father, an “antique dealer” named Light Bulb, and meets a punk rocker named Gus. Can they perhaps help her out of the mire her life has become?
RATING: ?/10
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